Suicide Awareness Month: Awareness Is A Great Action Towards Hope
By Likhanga Mudi Collins, Kenyan-Based Psychological Counselor (#LikhangaMindcare in a personal capacity)
Friday, 29 September 2023 I 7 – 10 minutes read
If you are an individual struggling with the symptoms, risk-factors, or need to talk, visit a licensed mental health practitioner for diagnosis and intervention. There is help.
[Note: Welcome to master the mind! Thank you for reading this free newsletter story contributed in a personal capacity. Part of the MasterMind.Co.Ke XStory platform; a digital sustainability storytelling movement caring for our planet by encouraging you to be mindful as you plant a tree for each complimentary newsletter article you read! In care, protection, and respect for our shared home, the earth. Our readers understand, value, and are motivated by the fact that they are empowered to control their own destiny. Share, distribute, and republish freely with credit to the source as ‘This story was originally published at MasterMind.Co.Ke.’]
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Creating Hope
September is recognised as the Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month. The World Health Organisation (WHO) set the 2023 theme as “Creating Hope Through Action.” The theme serves as a sense of inspiration for those struggling with suicidal thoughts. It encourages them we are all here to support and encourage them; even though they are experiencing their lowest moments.
This is because every person we interact with has unique resources. No matter how small or big they perceive themselves. They can use these resources to help an individual struggling with suicidal ideations. Thus, suicide is not the only available option when experiencing one’s lowest moments.
Availability of Data
Suicide can be defined as death that has resulted from an individual injuring self to die. If the individual does not attain the goal of dying, then this is termed as a suicide attempt.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (2023), suicide rates have increased by 36% globally. The CDC reports that in every eleven minutes, one person dies of suicide in the US. From a report by the Chiromo Health Group, it is estimated that as of 2020, there were approximately 311 suicide deaths in Kenya (240 men, 77 women).
According to reports by the Ministry of Health in Kenya, there has been scanty information relating to suicide in Kenya. There is significant fragmented reporting of deaths because of suicide. Thus, there is a need for increased surveillance.
The Ministry’s suicide prevention strategy (2021 – 2026) acknowledges the complexity of suicide prevention, “it involves a whole series of activities, ranging from the environmental control of risk factors and means for suicide, to early identification and effective treatment of people with mental health disorders as well as responsible reporting of suicide by the media.”
Identifying Risk Factors
As there is much stigmatization associated with suicide, some cases may go unreported by the kin, community, or authorities. Thus, go unrecorded in the national record of births, marriages, and deaths. Hence, the actual figures might be higher in Kenya and even globally.
Several factors put an individual at risk of suicide. The first is struggling with mental health concerns like depression, bipolar mood disorder, and substance use disorder. Several life stressors put an individual at a higher risk of suicide. They include family matters, romantic relationship break-ups, financial struggles, and chronic pain.
Tragedies, conflict, and violence are also significant risk factors for suicide. Besides this, being a member of a minority group which receives significant discrimination can predispose one to suicide. As a society, we should focus on vulnerable groups such as being a refugee, an addict, elderly, or an individual with a chronic illness.
Warning Signs
There are several warning signs depicted by an individual who is planning to commit suicide. Such an individual could display a tendency to talk about killing self or wanting to die. The individual will constantly feel hopeless and seem not to have a reason to live.
Another important sign is the enjoyment of life. A person planning to commit suicide will report the activities he or she enjoyed not to be fun. The individual tends to feel like they are a burden to others.
Eventually, they could end up abusing alcohol and other drugs. Such an individual could easily engage in reckless behavior. Reports of insomnia, which is lack of sleep or hyper-somnia which is inability to stay awake and alert in the day despite having an adequate night sleep are common.
Multiple Effects
Unfortunately, a suicide attempt leaves the victim with serious psychological and physical effects. If the suicide is actualized, significant others to the victim like friends, family, lovers, relatives, and neighbors encounter increased psychological and physical concerns. They are often overwhelmed with prolonged shock, grief, and depression. Anxiety symptoms also display, to mention a few.
Even though one could feel like there is no hope, suicide is not a solution to the problems one is experiencing. Though especially alone, it might appear to be. A little touch of support could rekindle the potential and bring some light to the life of an individual with suicidal ideations.
Effective Communication Channels
Conflict competence is a crucial ability anytime conflict arises, according to Wangari Kabiru, a Conflict Strategist and Mediator. Since disconnection is facilitated through for instance, avoiding conflict, mediation is effective. Because it calls for the persons concerned to come together and communicate under the mediator’s support. Diffusing the invisible bubble where mistrust grows.
“In the end, the barriers that cause disconnection—not the conflict—are the real culprits. For restoration of relationships, such barriers might be overcome through dialogue supported by a mediator as an impartial person. Minimising the possibilities, intensity, and effects of stress. A therapist is a recommended complement in intense stress, as healing is necessary” she added.
Communication plays a crucial role in enlightenment of society. Through effective communication, there can be significant public awareness that suicide is a public health issue and social issue of concern. Communication should focus on prevention and sensitisation of the public on risk factors associated to suicide, avenues to mediate, and where to find help.
Any information on suicide should be clear, neutral, and be free from any form of bias. All suicide communication channels should prioritize the target audience by communicating about suicide in a calming, caring and compassionate way. The channels should enlighten the public on the signs, symptoms, stereotypes, and means to avoid suicide.
A Call To Governments
The figures presented by leading agencies are terrifying. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) present suicide as the leading cause of death in some countries.
“Studies have generated findings urging countries to re-look at suicide leading to debates and advocacy calls for decriminalisation of suicide. With arguments such as – suicidal persons should be at wellness centres and should not be incarcerated as guests to prisons; thus, suicide should not be part of the criminal justice system. Focus on the whole person’s underlying perspectives of bio-psycho-social-spiritual including investing in the health, social and economic wellness of its citizens.” Wangari added.
Suicide prevention and its related causes should then be a priority for governments while providing support. Information relayed should be from credible sources. Whether qualified mental health practitioners and volunteers, advocates and influencers, or private and government bodies.
If information is credible, there will be minimal conflicts. Channels of communication could include social media, print media, outdoor displays, radio, and even television. Besides, there should be more suicide awareness campaigns, social events, and seminars.
The Kenyan government has so far introduced counseling services and related support to citizens at various points of public services. Community Health Promoters and volunteers are of much value in the community. Services are at various community and primary health levels including in hospitals and prisons. Huduma Centers are one such point of service providing counseling services for free to citizens.
Psychological Support Is Available
Knowing the warning signs and risk factors for suicide is a great step in identifying it; for prevention, awareness, and support. An individual planning to commit suicide often feels like there is no one ready to listen to them. As a result, any little source of help and support could challenge the person to change his or her mind.
“As a positive psychology character strengths Coach, post-traumatic growth enables clients to deal with what happened, make adjustments, and come back to what is healthy. New trends and emergent risks of globalisation, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and Artificial Intelligence, should concern local professionals. With concerted efforts to foster meaningful life, generating hope is possible” Wangari Kabiru added.
The Ministry of Health in Kenya drew a National Strategy titled ‘Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021–2026.’ With the goal to attain a 10% reduction in suicide mortality by the year 2026. As stakeholders implement the strategy as per its objectives to prevent suicide and promote mental wellbeing, together with progressive updates, this could become a game changer for Kenya. Being ready to listen to the individual and supporting them to seek professional counseling and help from a psychologist, registered mental health practitioner, or psychiatrist would be a great step in overcoming suicide.
Promoting awareness is a great action towards hope. I challenge all healthcare providers to continue sensitizing the public on suicide, particularly that ‘there is help’. If you are an individual struggling with the symptoms, risk-factors, or need to talk, visit a licensed mental health practitioner for diagnosis and intervention. There is help.
About The Writer Likhanga Mudi Collins: Collins is a Kenya-based Psychological Counselor (#LikhangaMindcare). Working With The Government of Kenya Huduma Kenya Secretariat, Counseling and Wellness Unit at The Huduma Center in Kisumu City. Connect with #LikhangaMindcare on Facebook: Collins Likhanga or Tel: (+254) 0718277562.
Contributors: Wangari V.A.L. is an Innovations Specialist; promotes collaborative practices, enjoys game design thinking and writes about society, and is in new media design. Is a Gen Z and Alpha Positive Psychology Character Strengths Character Coach (PPAK). ENDS.
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Visit Huduma Kenya: About Huduma Kenya Service Delivery Programme, Accessed on September 12 2023
Huduma Kenya Service Delivery Programme (HKSDP) is a Kenya Vision 2030 Flagship Project. To achieve its mandate, HKSDP has operationalized four service delivery platforms namely; 52 Huduma Centres across the 47 Counties, Huduma Contact Centre accessible through the call number 020-6900020, Huduma Mashinani Outreaches and Huduma electronic and mobile platforms.
The guiding principle of the Huduma service delivery is “Service Excellence”, & and its core values known as the ‘Huduma DNA’, are Courtesy, Innovation, Integrity, Transparency and Passion.
[Note: Welcome to master the mind! Thank you for reading this free newsletter story contributed in a personal capacity. Part of the MasterMind.Co.Ke XStory platform; a digital sustainability storytelling movement caring for our planet by encouraging you to be mindful as you plant a tree for each complimentary newsletter article you read! In care, protection, and respect for our shared home, the earth. Our readers understand, value, and are motivated by the fact that they are empowered to control their own destiny. Use the stories as an X-factor opening line for public storytelling on everyday life, what matters, and in care for our planet; that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. The contents of this material is for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, treatment, and support for people, plants, animals or even nature. For help, please visit a professional for guidance that is tailored to your specific situation. Be mindful as you plant a tree for each article read, video watched, audio listened to, downloads or resources accessed. Feel the sacredness of the moment by turning into your senses, bringing your attention fully to the experience; delicate seedling in your hands, the texture of the soil grounding your feet, its smell, and notice sounds around you. Let your mind take you to see, touch, and embrace the now mature tree, and experience the sensation in your body. Share, distribute, and republish freely with credit to the source as ‘This story was originally published at MasterMind.Co.Ke’.]
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Mutere name in Luhya language (Maesopsis eminii)
INDIGENOUS TREE SPOTLIGHT: Mutere name in Luhya language (Maesopsis eminii), is found in Kenya. The Maesopsis eminii tree is very tall at 27m. It’s used for production of plywood, veneer and timber. The fruit contains 40-45% edible oil with 27% stearic acid. (courtesy: KECBO Kenya).
Be mindful as you plant a tree for each article read, video watched, audio listened to, downloads or resources accessed. Feel the sacredness of the moment by turning into your senses, bringing your attention fully to the experience; delicate seedling in your hands, the texture of the soil grounding your feet, its smell, and notice sounds around you. Let your mind take you to see, touch, and embrace the now mature tree, and experience the sensation in your body. Share, distribute, and republish freely with credit to the source as ‘This story was originally published at MasterMind.Co.Ke’.]
External link or web page with more details (As at September 29 2023):
Umbrella tree, also known as Schefflera, is an impressive green apparition with eye-catching leaves that look like a hand with too many fingers. Because it’s a climber, you will often buy it with a moss pole for support. However, there are also bush forms and Schlefferas that are cultivated on multiple (interwoven) trunks. If you have the skills, you can practice bonsai techniques on it. Umbrella tree is a strong and easy plant that can last for years.
Symbolism: In China Umbrella tree is one of the most commonly used plants in Feng Shui, which is also known as acupuncture for your home. The leaf fingers capture positive energy and the plant is said to attract wealth for the residents.
Be mindful as you plant a tree for each article read, video watched, audio listened to, downloads or resources accessed. Feel the sacredness of the moment by turning into your senses, bringing your attention fully to the experience; delicate seedling in your hands, the texture of the soil grounding your feet, its smell, and notice sounds around you. Let your mind take you to see, touch, and embrace the now mature tree, and experience the sensation in your body. Share, distribute, and republish freely with credit to the source as ‘This story was originally published at MasterMind.Co.Ke’.]